
DIY Craft Cabinet and my Craft Space

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

It is time for another DIY. I love having DIY projects, however finding the time is so hard. My gorgeous friend Ginny was getting rid of this old cabinet over a year ago and put up my hand after seeing a a great project on better homes and gardens a few years back. This was the perfect size for what I wanted.

I did forget to take a photo of it when I first got it but on the left hand side was an open space and hanging rail which I removed. I measured the space and went to Bunnings and they cut me 3 shelves. I had them cut narrower so I could hang things on the door as you will see below.
I also removed one bottom shelf from the right side so I could store my sewing machine in there.

After a few coats of white paint this is what it looks like. Gorgeous isn't it?

I lined the shelves and doors with the same wallpaper I used for my Filing Cabinet which you can see here

On the door I attached hooks for my scissors and tapes etc and magnetic strips from Ikea where I can put the magnetic containers filled with little tiny things.

Here is my a small part of my fabric stash which I really need to start getting into.

I bought this fabulous organizer in the tiny town of Yarragon in Gippsland. I had been searching for one for months to use for Jonahs Ice Cream Birthday party to pop lollies in but never found one in time.

This is a view of my work space, it is still a work in progress but it sure does beat the couch or kitchen table in my old house.

If you have any questions regarding the DIY cabinet, leave a comment and I will get back to you.

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